Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I worked for wages this week but home business income is better...WHY?

I worked for wages this weekend but home business profits are better…why

This weekend I made a few dollars as a food demonstrator for a marketing company introducing new products to a supermarket. It was interesting to meet all kinds of new people and talk about sprouted grain bread versus milled bread. Do you know the difference…most did not.

The difference between sprouting versus milling (or grinding to make flour) processes are huge to the nutritional benefits of breads that result. In the milling process there is substantial amount of heat generated which has adverse effects on the wheat grain. Almost all milling oxidizes the kernel, losing vital vitamins, enzymes and minerals. As well, most of the bran and germ (endosperm) is removed and resold. By taking out these ingredients, it allows most flours, including whole wheat, to have a shelf life for several months on the store shelf without going rancid.

For handing out taste samples and coupons I got paid $14 an hour. In one day of work I made $98 minus taxes. I will never get another cent from this day’s work. I will have to work again tomorrow to get another one-time wage, sufficient as it seems at first.

So how do wages compare to home business profits? Let’s take a look at a small number potential using knowledge as leverage to go beyond one hour of work and earn multiple times.

Let’s say I was working comfortably from my home, setting my own hours by network marketing a high-demand nutritional product. I shared the information via website with ten people. Two people saw the value of the product for their health and ordered it and I received a commission. These two new customers then each shared the important information with ten other people for a total of 20 new contacts, 4 of which also became customers.

I get 4 more commissions. Now these 4 new customers each share the healthy benefits with 10 people each for a total of 40 new contacts and a possible 8 people buying and using the product. Now I am eligible for 8 commissions…bringing the total to 14 commissions based on two personal customers.

As I continue to share my home business, I will continue to grow my profits over and over again based on short-term initial work and long-term residual income. Many networkers reach a 5 or 6 digit monthly income with residual profits with this business model.

High quality nutritional products are a huge market trend as more people look for natural solutions to maintain their health proactively (before getting sick). However, as important as health products are to this networking business model; it is even more important to use a simple business plan to duplicate your profits over and over again, both direct referrals and indirect.

I’d like to invite you to check out our 6 month income-generating, debt-reduction plan to get a clearer picture how residual income works.

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