Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Increase Home Business Productivity Not Dam It

How to increase home business productivity not dam it…

I guess I’m human and dedicated enough when I see the words FREE HOME BUSINESS TRAINING I will open up the email…never knowing where some valuable suggestive nugget might be found about making more money or talking to more people. Especially, if possible, to also save yourself money and time..all under the veneer of free. (It’s true parents raised in the First Depression brought their families up to believe a penny saved is a penny earned.)

But folks, nothing is free.

As it turns out, the course materials were free to access but the TIME required to master the content was not mentioned.

And I have climbed that EveryTraining Mountain…hour by hour, notebook by notebook, teleseminar by teleseminar.And when I felt I had reached the top of self-belief and support of others, and looked around, no one had followed me!The sad truth is very, very few people will scale that mountain even if it is absolutely free to start and continue to work their buns off hoping that many more will also want to do the same…

But judge for yourself. Here is the free content as outlined:
  • Get free access to private internet marketing coaching calls dynamic, fun, and informative LIVE network marketing training sessions and TELECLASSES
  • Get an upgraded affiliate status – so you can refer people and get higher commissions paid back to you
  • Get a free residual income website to generate products, leads, business tools and affiliate commissons
  • Get a free replicated Blog with over free100 templates available you can personalize
  • Get a free attraction-marketing and list-building system designed to help provide value and build "know-how" in the minds of your prospects.
  • Get free access to a cutting-edge collection of network marketing articles and e-books, Cd's and Dvd's... jam-packed with business building strategies and techniques that the pros use every day.
  • Get more internet marketing courses, tools, and resources to make income online always have discounted prices on the hottest industry-related products and services, so you can stay up to date with the digital age.
  • Get top quality sales Leads - If you like buying leads, never worry again if you're getting the best and most effective. You can even listen-in from time to time, as we call them "Live and In Your Face!"
  • Get Educated by hardcore internet marketers and have been building teams online for years…Never get left behind!

Wow! I get tired just reading about all this gear, trails and mountaineers searching for that gold mine of financial freedom! The real "golden opportunity" is being able to help friends and neighbours achieve abundant success also without all the trials and tribulations.

The real truth is the network marketing home business is about duplicating a simple business system by average people, always has been, and always will be a democratic way to build residual income.

The only real way to increase productivity in this unique home business model is to offer a 3-steps marketing plan that can be delivered in one hour with inbuilt comprehensive training and no loss of critical information. Everybody can do it.

The way to dam productivity is to build a mountain of information in front of it. Only a handful of elite climbers will strive to ascent.

It starts with education of facts and principles about how network marketing works. It includes a strong personal component for self-empowerment and change. It concludes with an extraordinary home business opportunity.

Your questions and comments are always welcome.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Why does public media mute part-time network marketing home business

It hurts too much to "larf" at these home business ideas. No wonder home business opportunity seekers are confused and real options so limited.

The big question is why does public media mute the network marketing home business for earning part-time income?

First, let’s look at what one TV broadcast had to say recently about how to earn some extra income.
Second, we’ll take a look at the network marketing industry to help polish this old institution and public image.
Some would say it’s tarnished and I would agree because of the high failure rate. But I also totally believe it can and must be fixed in order to return to its grassroots capitalism foundation and provide real income for real people.

So what does "larf" mean? You’re not sure whether to laugh or to cry or both...could be from frustration, desperation or just hard to grasp the improbability of it all.
I listen to CNN quite a bit…even as a Canadian. Two of my favorite TV hosts are Larry King and Anderson Cooper. Recently, working from home, eating my lunch, watching the latest news, one commentary caught my attention. The woman anchor was talking with an expert about work from home jobs as part-time side jobs people could do while under-employed or waiting for employment.
Now, I’m not using my imagination this time but there were some pretty creative ideas tossed out to comfort those looking for extra money from home. How about:
  • dog walking…rich people still spend money on pets..$17 an hour
  • neighborhood handy-man…can you replace some soles on shoes, straps on purses, a pressure ring on dishwasher, a plug on a car for a non-mechanic…I guess fees are variable here or maybe try bartering..although a fresh loaf of bread won’t pay a credit card company
  • teach a personal hobby to others…macrame / photo montage/ raw food cuisine, anyone
  • start a day care facility to look after young children…a host of guidelines in Canada
  • start a house cleaning or house-sitting service for busy, rich people again

So none of these caught my idea of acceptable return on time or investment or longevity so I checked the website recommended at…just the first page was enough.

It made me stop and wonder about how many people actually look at these kinds of sites for job opportunities. Here’s a few things I read: 80% or more of work at home jobs were scams or rip-offs…need to check out thoroughly.

Some of the top 10 work at home jobs included:

  • internet programs for wealth creation
  • get paid surveys online from $40 to $250 an hour
  • make money selling adult toys
  • major dating company seeks online hosts fo $200 a week
  • get paid to assemble products and crafts
  • complete simple data entry and online forms

Now two things struck me:

All these “opportunities” were getting paid by the hour or by the number of forms or surveys completed. Work so much.. get paid so much. No money. There were only profits and not residual cent anywhere.

Does anyone know or care about the difference between linear and residual income?

Most of these “opportunities” would also involve active marketing once products and services were ready to go, such as setting up a replicated website, posting sales copy, testing it, sending out press releases, attracting traffic and potential customers. Who will help you with this?

Then another ha-ha thought struck me!
A network marketing home business is actually very different from a work at home job.
In a real business you have to start at the beginning, invest a small amount of capital, and work for huge returns that come back into your pocket. Public media somehow bypasses the network marketing industry as a viable home business to make some serious money with an outlay of as small as $40 a month that qualify you for long-term profits.

There needs to be a serious counterbalance to public information here and I believe it needs to start within the industry itself.

  • Let’s first polish up our public persona, develop more highly successful people to ask as role models.
  • Let’s eliminate the complexity of getting involved.
  • Let’s standardize the training so everyone can do it at low-cost.
  • Let’s practice the basic key concepts of leverage and duplication with a simple process..I call it the straight-line home business.
  • Let’s return the people to the grassroots of an equal democratic opportunity.

Let’s not worry about walking dogs or cleaning washrooms.
Your questions, comments and opinions are always appreciated,
PS. How would you describe your ideal home business or work from home job.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Do you sell or educate for better profits in this special network marketing home business?

Do you sell or educate for better profits in this special network marketing home business?

I always enjoy speaking with home-based business opportunity seekers. They have so many good questions that require proper, hype-free answers. I can relate to my first efforts in starting a home business by following a program without a proper overview of how this special home business worked. I followed with “blind faith” that the master marketer would inspire more and more “followers.”

Unfortunately, this home business model based on network marketing concepts doesn’t work that way. Its residual matrix model is based on duplication of a simple business plan. It is not about leaders creating more leaders. It is about regular people with hopes for a better lifestyle communicating with other regular people.

So my main answers are to make sure new people understand the foundational principles of network marketing. This will ensure that common mistakes can be avoided, and unnecessary costs eliminated and time saved. After all, customers buying important products for personal use are the basis of long –term commissions.

One of the most common questions is related to selling. Do I have to sell anything? I have no experience. I don’t like sales. After all, customers buying important products for personal use are the basis of long-term commissions.

These concerns and fears are absolutely relevant. How about you? Do you feel that you are unable to sell, or may even see selling as negative. Perhaps you may have had a past experience where you have been pushed into buying something you didn't want, or felt hassled by a salesperson.

The process of selling is an exchange of information between two people talking…one is looking for a solution to a problem..the other is providing some answers.
Both ways, they are selling each other whether about the problem or the solution. At the end, one person will “sell” the other.."my problems are too great" or "your solution seems the right first step to take." Our consumer society shows we are always willing to exchange money to buy if we find what we want.

The fact is that there are both very good and very bad sales people! Bad sales people are only interested in what they will personally get out of the sale and will use every tactic to close the deal for their own gain.
A good sales person will not sell something to anyone unless they truly believe that they will benefit from it. They will ensure all important questions are answered and if someone is still not interested, then they will stop pushing. The good sales person will also go to any length to ensure that all customers are completely satisfied with their purchase.

But here is the $64,000 question:
Do networkers SELL a product or EDUCATE a better financial future?

Is network marketing all about really selling a product that can be bought in a local retail outlet, or does it offer the unique advantage of presenting an improved lifestyle opportunity? What other options are there?
You don’t need to “sell” a better, more financially free future...most people would be interested in "buying" and upgrading their status quo. However, first, you must educate about the key concepts to get you there.

So, on one hand, you have particular the means by which to make residual income…Note that most network marketing companies produce cutting-edge research and development products. Do your due diligence here to understand the value and benefits.

On the other hand, you have an opportunity, a decision to make to start a home business of this type that can change your life and your finances forever. You have a situation where you can identify ways in which your business can help other people to achieve life long ambitions.

It’s simple to say “no’ to a product..a bottle..a box in a competitive marketplace, but you have to think more responsibly about saying “no” to a home business opportunity that can build independence for you and your family.

Ultimately, the best way to make any decision is to educate first. Get your facts. Get your overview.
Start to change your belief system...
Understand the four key words to home business success is "I can do this."
Get educated and enlightened about how the greatest, simplest, low-cost, high-potential earnings home business functions...
Now go out and check the products and see if you are willing to “buy”.

In conclusion, this home business model is unique that allows every person the right to have a profitable home business. Get smart and help others get smart. Get wealthy and others will knock on your door.

Does this mean I have to be a teacher now rather than a salesperson?

Goodness, no! Use professional teaching tools to tell the story for you.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated,

Annemarie...No Excuses Allowed Team

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What number will you dial for how to start a home business

What number will you dial for how to start a home business?

Many people are looking at a home business for a variety of reasons including the general overview that the economy is still on a uncertain ride accompanied by unemployment and credit card debts.
Plus, even if you have a current job, there is still the desire to have some extra income, some extra savings for a better personal financial well-being.
Plus what about THE DREAM deep inside you that hasn’t been given “the chance”..the one thing you would like to do if money and time were no objection.

Many home-based opportunities abound. Everyone is trying to sell you on what they think you need. But who do you call? Who will help? How can I minimize time and cost? How much do I invest and how much can I expect to make?

Here are two plans to check out and two numbers to choose to call:

PLAN A ...Call this number 123-456-7890

1. Plug into a large successful company and help promote products

2. Plug into marketing system and work with team leaders

3. Set up your back office control center

4. Learn how to manage a total contact lead capture and management system

5. Set up company’s replicated website with conference calls/webinars/archives

6. Set up marketing system site with information re different plans/consultants

7. Set up blogging sites / write articles to introduce yourself with leadership qualities

8. Set up profiles on social marketing pages to help promote opportunity and marketing

9. Integrate customer/personal auto-responder messages and follow-up

10. Now take steps 1 – 9 and train a new home business partner to follow the same system.

Can I add, good luck...been there..done that..cannot recommend

PLAN B ...Call this number 1 – 2 – 3

1. EDUCATE customers/clients about home business FACTS in the network marketing industry…simple curriculum guide..30 minute slide presentation and e-book

2. EMPOWER people to change their BELIEFS (habits and mindsets) to believe they can win the “big picture”…built-in component in curriculum guide

3. CHANGE by plugging into an excellent company and extraordinary product.

The above three steps are then shared with other people who also want to be educated, empowered and ready to change to a better lifestyle and financial security.

To truly understand the abundant potential of this home business opportunity, you must see how the residual payment matrix is not about the "product" but about sharing a simple marketing plan that everybody can do.

As well, now this process has been made even simpler, if that is possible, by sharing three short videos about defining the concept of network marketing, comparing two marketing plans and then setting up a straight-line home business with no excuses allowed.

In closing, I’ve worked my fingers to the bone using the number 123-456-7890 with satisfactory results but limited duplication or business partners. Any reasons why, do you think? I am excited to share a simple plan and number. Won’t you try it also?

Standing by to help,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Find your Golden Hollywood Ticket with a Home Business..There's Always a Way

You'll find your "Golden Hollywood Ticket" at the end...your song: There's Always a Way

One of the most popular ongoing shows is American Idol.

The fascination is at many levels...but for me I am most impressed by the exuberance and the talent of these beautiful young people. Probably, most of us see ourselves standing “outside the ring of fire” but we still experience the dizzying range of emotion from the first overwhelming rush of adrenaline when being picked with the golden Hollywood ticket, to dedication to try their best before judges on the world stage (that would defeat most of us), to hopes, dreams; and for most, the heartbreaking words “you’re not good enough.” Only one will reach the peak after so many with so much huge talent have climbed the mountain of "sweat and tears" and belief they could “win”.

So it makes me stop and think about my home business based on the network marketing model.. It is founded on the principle that everyone can special talents needed…just a desire to be more successful, more recognized, more financially secure, more lifestyle with freer choices. If we’re not talented and beautiful, we can still perform important services. We can still achieve that sense of joy and accomplishment with a profitable home business helping others. Our God-given talents are the ability to communicate, to care and share. Shouldn’t there be some commensurate rewards for being good, responsible and seeking some credibility and independence?

There is no other Broadway “casting-call” that comes close to the potential of exciting success as a network marketing home business. BUT the process must be DONE RIGHT through education, self-empowerment and then change. The opposite doesn’t work…first embrace change, then feel good about it, and now go and tell others. One of the most important elements in a mind-changing education is self-empowerment or self-belief I can do this, I deserve this, I can win.

And in this regard, the sweetest song I can sing, mainly to myself, or any one else who cares to listen, is this wonderful affirmation shared by a fellow networker called

There's Always a Way

Say it loud everyday…there’s always a way...see and feel yourself believing in purpose and achievement…there’s always a way. No judge will discredit you. An audience of people will sing along. And your reward is to build a great home business to share with everyone.This is my “golden ticket to Hollywood” and far more... in the sense that this will be my beautiful talent…and all I need to know.

Your comments about positive things or "golden tickets" in your life are always appreciated.

There's Always a Way

How many times have you said to yourself...."How am I going to do this?"This is a perennial question to all of us. Too often we get stuck in thinking and by buying into our insecurities and let opportunity pass us by because of some fear about not knowing enough, not being enough, not knowing where to begin, not being quite ready, and the excuses keep buzzing..

The only way to reach the goal you set for yourself is to begin it NOW by taking a first step towards it no matter whether you know the final answers or not. Action will create momentum and momentum will create an ability to forge through any adversity you perceive is in your way.

Just remember one thing... There's Always a Way for you to have all you desire. The answers are right within you so stop telling yourself you can't and start telling I CAN!
Everywhere you are there is a power and presence that is aligned with the magnificence of who you are. This power is infinite in its wisdom, imagination, creativity, and desire to bring out in you the best that you can be. No matter what may appear on the surface, you have all the tools to have and build the LIFE you dream about. Remember one thing, you wouldn't be able to dream something if you didn't already have that dream inside of you.

It is so easy to give up and throw in the towel when you come up against a challenge you think is insurmountable. That's the very time you must ramp up your desire for success and find the ways you need to turn those challenges into opportunities. You can do it. No matter what you may think about hard situations you always have the choice to think of the solutions to get you through them.

There's Always a Way to make your day the very best it can be when you start to say yes to all the excellence you are by your own CHOICE of WORDS...

"The flow of life doesn't make decisions to create hardships for anyone....those hardships are created by the limited thinking that we decide is our truth..."

Our real truth is that we are abundant, prosperous and gifted with all the tools to accomplish anything we decide to do... listen to yourself so the story you hear is one of complete desire to fulfill all the success you can dream about.

Repeat these words as a daily ritual, a few times, if you wish..

I AM infinite abundance
I AM infinite prosperity
I AM magnificence and excellence
I AM the flow of creativity
I AM a discoverer of my greatness
I AM committed to my success
I AM Free Right NOW To Be ME

Even if I knew that tomorrow would go to pieces…I would still plant my apple tree…Martin Luther King

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How Will The Recession Affect Your Home-Based Business Opportunity?

Throughout history, Network Marketing, as a home-based business, has always had exceptional growth during difficult economic times (contrary to the naysayers...see next blog). Certainly, during tough times, people will not want to spend as they did during economic good times.

That is true, but we are not talking about spending such as making retail purchases. Network Marketing is known as the alternative to retail distribution. As a member you can buy directly from the manufacturer. Not only do you redirect your spending for monthly consumables, but also you can make additional income dependent on your marketing efforts.

Here’s an interesting historical perspective:
The first MLM opportunities date back to the great depression of the 1930's.

  • Wachter's, a marine-vegetable (seaweed) supplement company, started in 1937 near the bottom of the Great Depression.
  • Nutrilite took off in 1945 during the economic decline immediately following World War II.
  • Shaklee and Neolife fared well in the post-Korean War slump.
  • Amway got a good start building with the slump in 1958.
  • Mary Kay started with the downturn in the 1960s.
  • Others like Herbalife in the 1990's, went into hyper growth during that recession and became a billion dollar company.

What does this tell you?
When recessions hit, people begin to look for alternative sources of income.

Consumer spending decreases; spending habits get re-prioritized. The future is fragmented and factored into issues of job security, dwindling 401k investments, stock market losses and home devaluation.

How secure do you feel your job is today? Do these terms creep into your mind…long-term…downsizing…getting fired…replacing your job? When recession hits, replacing a job is not an easy thing, but what are the options for finding alternative sources of income?

In my opinion and experience, the best of all alternatives is Network Marketing combined with Internet Marketing. No other home business comes close BUT it must be based on its core principles…a democratic opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, race, education, talent…just an innate desire to have a better life and independence.

MLM businesses can still be built offline…great social activities. However, today we have the advantage of the Information Highway running through our dining rooms and backyards. Today, we don’t have to relegate our financial problems to flipping burgers for more income. Today, the Internet Marketer can plug into a successful Network Marketing company for an exciting opportunity to make some serious income.

  • offers a business solution with minimal capital investment and start up
  • provides a sound business model with training, support and growth potential
  • allows you to stay at home with you families while improving your economic and financial situation
  • tailored for ordinary people who want to improve their financial situation and get an excellent business education without the need to rely on third parties for expensive training or consultation.

How about you?

Are you willing to invest in yourself in order to improve your families and your own financial future and destiny? What other options are there for this global recession?

If you have questions or comments, let’s talk soon. I’ll share a low-cost, complete marketing system and home business recently voted the “best home-based business concept for the 21st century" by Lifetime Network.

As you well know, inspiration is a great thing, but education is golden forever.

"A mind once stretched will not return to its previous dimensions."

Your comments and questions are always appreciated...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to make your home business choice: 10-Step Cha-Cha-Cha or 3-Step Shuffle

Make your Home Business Choice: 10-Step Cha-Cha-Cha or 3-Step Shuffle?

Your Home Business choice: 10 Step Cha-Cha-Cha or 3-Step Shuffle?

No one ever said starting a business would be easy, but once you make the decision to start one, it’s all you can think about. You’ve probably checked out numerous home business opportunities. Here is an interesting analogy to help your decision making process

10 Step CHA-CHA-CHA for Home Business Professionals

STEP 1: Do What You Love…GREAT IDEA... Believe in something you can share with others to make their lives better

STEP 2: Do Your Homework...Prepare a cash flow plan with accountant…budget..expenses.. return on investment.Make sure you have enough money and resources.

STEP 3: Create a business Plan...Set short term and long term goals, prepare for setbacks, source of funding, marketing expenses. Use templates for step by step creation.

STEP 4: Research the market: Are people already paying someone for the product or service you want to offer? What is your Unique Selling Proposition? Competitive Edge? Find out what your competitors are doing—Always try and offer something that no other company provides or fulfills a solution to a problem or need It’s called staying on the “cutting edge”

STEP 5: Set a Realistic Price: If you create your own product, make sure the price you set is based on presentation, statistics, and credibility. Pretend you are the client and you are looking for something fair, competitive, and sensible. Always take overhead and production costs into consideration to include the final price to ensure you make a profit.

STEP 6: Create Your Image, Brand or Logo Your image or brand will define your product or service and is one of your most important assets and how people will talk about your company. Don’t spare the expense here. You want to set positive first impressions and opinions…Will a potential customer want to recommend or return?

STEP 7: Create Professional Informational Material: Be ready to distribute one-page flyers or brochures or an informational website. Make sure your look is updated to attract new business.

STEP 8. Plan Your Strategy. Set up a business plan that outlines the details of your business, organization, overall goals, trouble-shooting, and how to track and measure results. This Business Process is essential to streamline and help you avoid potential problems. Customers appreciate efficiency and ease of use.

STEP 9: Your Marketing Plan ..this is the BIG ONE! THE GRAND FINALE! THE BIGGEST EXPENSE to fit into your budget! Lack of marketing is the #1 reason why any business fails.This includes some complex maneuvers such as advertising channels at the local level, reaching your primary target audience, joining local chambers of commerce, leads groups and/or business organizations to develop strong business relationships for qualified leads and referrals, checking out Business Directories. This is for offline advertising..and now, of course all the new online marketing to establish brand awareness..blogs, websites, social media….this is huge and if done well deserves massive applause from a massive audience.

STEP 10: Stay Positive…wow this is very important after all these steps.
This is a standard expectation…To think positive…don’t let doubt or fear interfere with your goals..even when it gets rough, as it surely well from time to time. Keep long as your compass is set with careful planning and a well thought out strategy, you will reach the final destination of business success.

I’m thinking of the comparison now between another very popular TV show Dancing with the Stars. Those dancers are so professional and so successful with all those amazing steps and boggles the mind..can we ever learn to be that successful?

But I’m not a business professional..and I don't have months or years but I still deserve an equal chance to dance, to dare, to dream, to be the best Ican be, to create a beautiful life for myself and my family…

For me , a 3-step Shuffle will do just fine as long as I get results…more and more profits for my efforts. I want the opportunity to plug into a successful company and they do the "heavy work" for me…

manufacturing, researching, pricing, competive cutting-edges, shipping, accounting, branding, promotional materials, accounting, back office administration.

In return I will help to market and recommend their products and get paid multiple commissions.Therefore, the home business marketing plan becomes the key to my success…and a 3-Step Plan or Strategy is something I can learn easily:

STEP 1. Educate..get the facts so I know what to do..
STEP 2. Empower..get the belief system..I’m good..I can do this..
STEP 3. Change is now very real and exciting…a sizzle phone call, an amazing network marketing company and extraordinary product.

The stars are within MY reach now..
My judgment is my choice..will I? …won’t I? …wonder what if?..celebrate?
It’s my choice…my legacy…

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Once you understand how it works, why would anyone say NO to this home business model?

Currently, I'm speaking with many people looking for a legitimate way to make extra income from home doing something they can be proud of. In fact, one lady said at the end of a short slide presentation..."Now that I understand this home business model better, why would anyone say "no" to making money over and over again by using valuable products."

Coincidentally, I had read a similar article by Tim Sales two weeks ago. He had a similar response following his presentation from a lady who also asked, "Why would anyone say "no"?

Tim is one of the most professional networkers I know and his answer is thoroughly spotless.

Read it in its entirety and I'd like to hear your opinion about "opinions" you have heard.



1 250 365 6916

...from Tim Sales

The answer I gave her is one you need to read... and KNOW so that you can explain it to your prospect. First let me say that some of our bad public relations, we've earned. We did it and we're paying for it. If you didn't do it, then you inherited the problem, therefore you have to fix it. But most of the bad public relations we've received was from either people who didn't (and still don't) know anything about the industry or people who have failed at M.L.M and now talk badly about it.

Basically, there are three types of authors of content:

1. They've never done what they're writing about

2. They've done it and failed and

3. They've done it and succeeded.

Note: My use of the word "author" includes both written and spoken communication. Which is to say that ANYONE who says or writes anything!

The first type of author who has created bad public relations for the industry is the author who has never done M.L.M. Newspaper, magazine and television writers and reporters rarely have done M.L.M - their information comes from hearsay and as an "outsider looking in." Attorneys and even many professors often give advice on activities they've never done. The majority of the books at the book store are from authors who have never done what they're authoring about. They can write (or speak), but can not succeed at doing it. Their advice is rarely good because it's based on invention, another's opinion or hearsay. This problem gets compounded when one hears something...and repeats what they heard from the media.

Now there are two layers of people who have never done it; but think they know about it. People who have never done or succeeded at it can not possibly place the correct importance on the subject! You can always identify authors who have never done it because their content is slightly (or grossly) off the main subject.

As an example, I read a web site that wrote several pages about how M.L.M could not mathematically work. What?! That's like debating the "fact" that "scientifically" a bumblebee can't fly. Has it ever occurred to that author To LOOK? The oldest M.L.M company is still growing after 50 years!

A large amount of the negative public relations in M.L.M has come because too many people who have no real data on M.L.M make statements that other people believe because the author "appears" real; which they shouldn't.

The second group of authors who have created negative public relations for M.L.M is people who have failed at M.L.M. When someone has failed at what they write or talk about, it is common for them to be critical (inclined to find fault with) of the activity and those who do the activity. Why? Because something about the subject is a complete mystery to them and they feel a little [or a lot] inadequate. They obviously couldn't figure out some part of it - otherwise they wouldn't have failed!

As an example, let's take a person who tried M.L.M but didn't succeed at it. Because he has a little knowledge about the subject he can say, "I've done M.L.M and it doesn't work!" He'll typically state "what's hard," "wrong," or "dangerous" about M.L.M. Why? Because he never figured it out and someone who succeeds at it proves his inadequacy on the subject of M.L.M.

His worst nightmare is people succeeding at M.L.M. If he knew exactly why he failed at it, he may zero in on that part and write (or state) negatively about it - perhaps how the upline makes all the money (which is the same in every industry). But normally he doesn't know why he failed so he tries to makes EVERYTHING about M.L.M wrong - including anyone who does M.L.M.

Warning: There are always more people who fail than succeed at every activity - so the general comments (written and spoken) on any activity will be negative. Now you know why someone would write, "So few people succeed at ______," and then they go on and advise you "not to do it."

Do not take advice from people who've failed at what they author about - they have an axe to grind and they don't want you to succeed at what they failed at as if you succeed it proves their inadequacy on the subject. The more people who succeed at it, the more fire-spitting mad they get about it. By the way, often how they personally tell you this is, "I'm just trying to protect you."

The third author type is those who have succeeded at what they write about. If an author has done and succeeded at the activity they author about, they are a valuable asset to you and their advice is worthwhile. They know what is important and what's not important about the subject.

Please notice there is a vast difference between someone who has been "educated" on a subject versus someone who can DO the subject successfully. Just because a person has studied a subject, doesn't mean they can do it. A beautician can study all about hair - that doesn't mean she can cut hair. A psychiatrist may have been able to listen to her teachers and may have been able to read the required text books and may have even been able to pass a state board examination on the subject - but can she fix another person's problems? If she can't, don't take her advice! A student who has been educated on a subject has only proven that she can be a student successfully. She has not proven she can DO THE SUBJECT. So don't be snowed by someone who says, "I've been a student of the industry for 23 years." They have not proven they can DO M.L.M.

Author type number three is the person you should accept advice from on any subject you're researching. If you want to fail, take advice from one who has failed.

In a nutshell, those people who have never done M.L.M and those who have failed at M.L.M are the ones who have created the bad public relations and have confused people about the industry.

If a person listens to author type number one or two and hears something "bad," they should ask author type number three about it. Author type three (the person who has succeeded at it) can put everything into the right perspective.

As an example, after one of my Brilliant Compensation events in Melbourne Australia, a guest asked me, "What percentage of people succeed?" Obviously he got the question from author type one or two. My response to him was that even though I've made millions of dollars, I personally had NEVER asked that question (even to myself) because no industry exists where the majority of people who do it make big money. I wasn't avoiding the question. I was simply letting him know that the question is truly irrelevant! The right question to ask is, "How do those who make big money do it?"

I hope this helps you to understand where the bad public relations comes from and how you can correct it.

Huge respect to you, Tim Sales

P.S. Improving the public relations image of M.L.M also requires that we all do the activity in a professional way. To be professional requires the proper training. You can get the best professional training in this industry by listening to my 7 CD set, "Professional Inviter". If you don't already own it, now's your chance to get it at a 25% savings - but only for a short time so act now.