Friday, October 31, 2008

Four Words Every Home Business Owner Must Say...Part 3

Four Words Every Home Business Owner Must Say...PART 3


So far, in Part 1, we saw how self-concept determines your destination and both are relative to a successful marketing plan. In Part 2, we saw how a simple “song” or marketing plan is easier to participate with and fun.

Now, another analogy just hit me last night. It all began with a small cluster of unexpected events…my brother and family (5 members) dropped in from their Kelowna trip. And I offered to make supper, of course, and they gladly accepted, of course, and I didn’t have enough of anything prepared to do company’s justice. In my fridge, there was a small hamburger package (enough for two people) and mozzarella cheese. Sometimes in emergencies like this I draw out an old traditional family recipe. It’s simple 5-ingredient sour cream dough that is rolled out into thin 8 inch circles topped with a filling, braided shut, rolled thin and fried in olive oil. Serve with sour cream and salsa, green onions and carrot sticks. The surprise supper was great with what was described as a gourmet treat.

I love analogies because they can take a highly complex subject and compare it to something easier to understand. In this example I was successful in preparing a good supper for several people because I had a recipe to follow that never fails.

A recipe made me think of any list of specific instructions with an end result in mind.
You take raw elements like egg, flour, salt, and create a composite wholly unlike to the elements. In the similar way, you can take a marketing plan to grow your home business and realize a dream lifestyle way beyond the words on a page.

A map is a pictorial overview of an actual landscape using labeled keys or code. You can see where you are now and where you want to be. With a business plan, you must be able to see ALL the rules to win by, offensive driving and defensive driving.

A business plan is essential to starting a business, including home-based. You need check out market research,time commitments, consultants, cash-flow projections, investment ratios, rental fees, shipping, competitors, production, sales and marketing…just to name a few.

A network marketing home business plan has the basic advantage of plugging into an established, successful company in order to help market their products and earn commissions multiple times. Get paid for monthly consumption of products you would buy anyway. This sounds great in theory.

Here are your ingredients:
BOTTOM LAYER (foundation): company, top management, manufacturing, valuable products, cutting edge advertising, shipping, accounting, service department and more.
MIDDLE LAYER (filling): personal sponsor, team training, support, marketing plan
TOP LAYER: success and financial freedom

But in reality this fails for 95% of people who try it! The top layer, the sweet, care-free, delicious topping is enjoyed by only a handful of people EVEN when the basic recipe is the same. Why? This question has bothered me for years. The company’s foundation is a prepackaged delivery. There is no need for changes here. The real variation in this recipe is the middle layer, the filling…and you can’t apply the topping if you have no filling.

So what’s wrong with the filling? It’s a $64,000 question. Here is where you find all kinds of cooks, or team leaders, using their own special flavors or strategies (sometimes tied into buying their own particular brands). Here is where you find the top “guru” chefs with experience, multi-tasking skills, and credibility in performing complicated procedures.
I can’t pretend to cook like a Julia Child, Emile Lagasee or any of the Iron Chefs.
I can only marvel at their creations of Stuffed Snapper with Orange and Lime and Manhattan Cheesecake with Flaming Apricots.
Again, I have no desire to be the expert.
I may not even know how to fry an egg (I’m new to home business) but all of the sudden I need to be able to keep up with the expert marketers! Even worse, because of the nature of duplication in this business model, I also need to go out and teach this recipe to others and then they need to do the same! It doesn’t work. Average “cooks” can’t copy and promote complicated recipes. Nor should they need to spend countless hours training.

Show me a simple, straight forward marketing plan …a recipe with 3 or 4 ingredients for the filling:
1. Phone number for an overview. Are you interested? Yes or No
2. Company’s website for more information with a 1 page overview
3. 1 – 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan to read-and-share that covers the basics: Trends, Marketing, Action…about 30 minutes to set
4. If people want a serving of Excuses…share more side dishes of educational resources


More importantly, I can pass on this recipe to as many people as I wish and they can duplicate the steps. Most importantly, I can celebrate the fact that I may not be a “guru chef” with years of mastery, but I can plug into the same networking company, expand my time and knowledge by passing on a simple “recipe” and start earning multiple commissions over and over based on initial effort.
Then I’ll be able to treat my friends to a real gourmet lunch courtesy of these masters.

I’d love to hear your ideas or questions. If you wish to try the Everday Pyrahi recipe from above…send me a note.


PS. As an interesting note...the comparison is often made that fast food franchises can be operated by a staff of teenagers because they follow a cookie cutter system. The food may not always be “the best” but you know Hamburger XYZ in California will be exactly the same Hamburger XYZ in Toronto, Canada

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Four Words Every Home Business Owner Must Say..Part Two

Four Words Every Home Business Owner must say...Part Two

This is a more whimsical but still vivid look at how to plan to be successful with a home business.
In the last blog these words were tied to your self-concept or self-perception.
Your mind is the key to start the journey to the destination of your choice.
It’s not about speeches, products, hype, leaders, etc.
The point was also made that a simple marketing plan will be more successful than a complicated one. More success will naturally develop self-concept.

One top networker said the way to be successful is to “listen to the music one more time.”
His training involved six weeks of regular teleclasses. Learn the strategies, learn the script and practice, drill, rehearse. Tough for even the most motivated to maintain, much less pass the expectation to others.

So, the other afternoon I was returning from visiting my family. Feeling a little nostalgic in a beautiful hazy golden autumn afternoon driving through our mountains, I decided to listen to a CD by two “singing cowboys,” namely, Slim Whitman and Tex Ritter.
They sang old treasured songs…the words made simple statements, soulful and understandable. The single guitar notes rang clear as bells in uncomplicated melodies. I could recall vaguely hearing some of the songs as a child:

When I grow too old to dream
When my blue moon turns to gold again.
Beautiful Dreamer
Green Grow the Lilacs

The point here is I found myself automatically singing along, humming the tunes, quickly learning the choruses, repeating words and rhymes long forgotten. The words were simple, the tunes repetitive and it was easy to follow along. Being masterful was long gone.

Now I can’t sing. My high notes were raspy, I forgot words and my attempts at yodeling probably scared animals in the hills. Nor did I think for a moment that I had the talent or ever be in the same league of success as these singing cowboys. Nor did I desire to be a singing celebrity at any time. But I could duplicate the words, most of the melodies, I had fun, and I didn’t have to spend months or years training to be an expert that others could admire and follow.

So how does this scenario connect to a profitable home based business? In the network marketing industry, particularly, it is the duplication of the marketing plan that builds customers and cash-flow. It follows logically if the marketing plan is simple, easy to understand, easy to read that everyone can duplicate it. In other words, everyone can sing along at their levels of ability. You don’t have to be a good singer or a good salesperson as in this example. “You listen to the simple music one more time” and you share it and so on and so on.


Keep the words and marketing plan simple for home business success. Enjoy the ride and the time freedom on your own terms, choosing to visit and travel through the peaceful autumn mountains listening nostalgically to sweet, simple words about life and what really matters.
Check out the 1 – 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan and see how simple it is to “sing along.”
I am here to help with questions and comments.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Four Words Every Home Business Owner Must Say...Part One

FOUR WORDS every Home Business Owner must say…PART ONE


I just had to share these words by Stephen Pierce.
(Stephen Pierce International Inc.)
They help to explain the purpose of keeping it simple ranging from
walking to planning a successful home business.

"True leadership is the ability to take something
complex and simplify it.

If I told you to run east to see the sunset would
you be successful? Sure you would, if you were facing east.

Would you need to go to a seminar and hear the right speaker
before you could run east successfully?

Would you need specially designed sneakers?

Would Gatorade need to make a special drink for people
running east before you could be successful?

Of course not. You just need to be in the right
place...facing east. Then you'll see the sunset.

It's the same way with making more money online.

You don't need to buy the priciest product or hear the best speakers
before you can take your next step.

Look, I could give you all the resources in the world and all the latest strategies.
But there's one thing that will never change: the human factor.

It's impossible to change your business and start moving forward without
first focusing on you and your mindset and perspective. The possibilities
you see for yourself will depend on what you’re thinking..

When your car's gas tank is low, you go fill it up with gas, right?
You need to do the same for you, too. Here is the G.A.S you need:

G - Gratitude is an attitude. Begin each day by
thinking about something you are grateful for,
even if your finances are lousy or your family
life is under severe strain. There's something
you can be grateful for.

A - Affirm who you are. Don't dwell on what you
think you "can't" do or how you've failed in the
past. Focus on what you "can" do. Use
constructive language, instead of destructive.

S - Strategies, systems and support. All three of
those go together. " (end of Stephen's quote)
Especially if you’re contemplating a home based business
in our network marketing industry.

Use professional information tools to tell the story for you.
Use the simple slide presentation to be the expert on how
to leverage Time and Knowledge and earn multiple commissions.
Read the keep-it-simple 1 – 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan to show the big picture
and excellent value in products, management, trends and timing.
Call me to help with questions or comments.

Remember, keep it simple, face the right direction, use your own G.A.S,
and reach the sunset of your dreams.

Standing by to help,

P. S. Warriors through the ages understood the
importance of the right terrain in winning
battles. It gives you a huge strategic advantage.

If you pick the wrong place as a marketer you'll
burn through all your resources. Today is the day
you pick the right place.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another "amazing" home business opportunity with 2% success ratio

Another “amazing” home business opportunity with 2% success ratio...why do I say that

Another "breakthrough" home business opportunity crossed my desk the other day. There are so many of these amazing “creatures” out there hoping to find a kind ear, a dazzled eye, a vision of life-long prosperity, an excited start-up with another keen home business owner.
I checked it out. It was a network marketing opportunity. The products were about wellness with good descriptions like unique, consumable, proprietary, patented, double-blind clinical studies. What was missing, in my opinion, were words like natural, whole foods, synergy. Nature cannot be patented. I was losing interest fast.

Then I read that a successful business represents 2% of this industry based on mentoring by professionals! Why would anyone consider doing this home business with such an“amazing” low odds of success?!? Unless, of course, you were already a professional network marketer. I consider myself in that league so continued reading the marketing plan. Marketing, after all, is the key to success in this business by sharing a duplication model through multiple levels.
The point here is not to try to explain the whole marketing process but some key words are: recorded calls 24/7, live corporate fly-ins, live opportunity calls, live weekly webinars, area and regional sessions and a turn-key online marketing system which consists of replicated website, company videos, multiple lead capture pages, flash overview tours, email messages, and seamless sign-ups. All of this is monitored by a full contact manager, lead management, website path tracking, integrated real-time leads, advertising co-op rotation, meta-tag control, and a full auto-responder system.
What do you think would be a main problem in the sharing this duplication model through multiple levels?
I’ve actually worked with a similar system. It produced results for professional networkers who worked with other networkers but very few results for average home business owners.
This is the main reason why we need to restructure the network marketing plan so that everyone truly has an equal level playing field from which to gain profits and prosperity.
I’d love to hear about your home business experiences…networking or not.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Profitable Home Business on a Table Napkin? Show Me How

A Profitable Home Business on a Table Napkin? Show me how.

I listened recently to a short video presentation about a young entrepreneur who has an absolutely unusual way of deciding which potential million dollar business to build based on a peculiar business model. Can his business plan be explained to future partners on a dinner napkin? And can his partners explain the same business plan on a dinner napkin to other prospects?

The key here is marketing with obvious simple duplication.

He continued to draw a regular sized napkin and divide it into quadrants. Each quarter represented a special function.
First, start with a capture email page with a low ticket offer.
Next, proceed to a small ticket upsell where as many as 30% of customers begin to feel comfortable with the buying process. Then, everyone is dropped into an email follow-up system called a Continuity Program. Finally, the big ticket item is produced and supported with call centers, webinars, and email contacts and updates. At any time, potential customers can remove themselves from the marketing funnel.

This program started a personal evaluation. Can my small home business be explained on a single dinner napkin? I believe so, but even in a more simplified way.

First: Invite potential prospects to listen to an overview call about the home business opportunity.
Second: If interested in more information, follow-up with the company’s website and a one page Getting Started Right Business Plan
Third: Help with questions. Continue the education with a generic overview of the business model with a slideshow and e-book…an invaluable information tool that does the work for you called the Mini-Program for Maxi-Profits.
Fourth: Read and share the 1- 2 – 3 Step Marketing Plan that covers all the main facts,neutralizes common excuses, and brings in a new business partner.

Simple is a beautiful thing. A simple dinner napkin “business” can be duplicated. In our industry duplication of a simple marketing plan can lead to fortunes.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Robert's Five "Hard-Wired" Ways to Win in Life

I’d like to share with you a recent valuable insight by Mike Dillard and his visit with Robert Kiyosaki, the financial expert who authored Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Personally, I really enjoy any information that makes you look at yourself in a different way. For example, have you ever thought about the word “winning”, and what it means to you?
For most of us, the word “winning”, is a very simple concept. You create a goal, and when you achieve it, you’ve won.
Well, there’s actually much more to it then that, because your subconscious mind has it’s own definition for “winning”, and whether you like it or not, you and your entire life are run by this little "wired hard-drive."
If this "hard-drive" doesn't you to “win” when it comes to wealth and money, you’re not going to. Period.
By definition, your subconscious thoughts and its agenda for your life are hidden from you, unless you’ve trained yourself to communicate with it.
If you don’t know what its definition of “winning” is for you right now, how can you ever move forward? And that’s the point on this letter… We’re going to find out what “winning” means to your subconscious right now…
There are 5 ways for you to win...
1: You win when you’re comfortable. This person’s primary goal is to just go through life as comfortably as possible. They don’t want stress. They don’t want to be pushed or challenged. They don’t like conflict. The just want to go through life on cruise control, hanging out with their friends, and having a good time.
This is your average, life-long employee who’s more than happy to have a safe, stable, comfortable job.

2: You win by being liked. This person’s primary goal in life is to be liked by others. They want acceptance from everyone, and will do just about anything to reach that goal. They’d rather be liked, than be right or wrong.
When you put someone like this in a leadership role, the business will usually fail because they won’t be willing to make hard decisions that would anger someone. They would try to please everyone all the time because their ultimate motivation is to be liked by others.

3: You win by being right. This person is usually an expert in a specific field like a professor, lawyer, or a wife. (Just kidding ladies! ). People who win by being right, don’t accept criticism and aren’t open to new ideas.
They tend to reach a glass ceiling when it comes to money, their career, and relationships, because they can’t accept their short-comings in order to move past them and achieve personal growth. Arguing with this person never works because they’ll always find a way to prove you wrong. In order to win, this person must be right.

4: You win by winning. This person is an achiever. Their primary motivation is to win. They are very competitive, and will do whatever it takes to win. They won’t quit, and they’ll constantly push themselves to gain the edge they need.
This category describes all successful entrepreneurs and athletes.
This type of person doesn’t care if others don’t like them, and they welcome discomfort because it provides them with new opportunities to win.

5: You win by losing. This person wins by being a victim. They want sympathy from others or their spouse. Just when things start to get better, they will sabotage themselves, and say, “I knew it wouldn’t work”, giving them their victory once again.
There lives are always filled with problems because they don’t win unless they lose, so they create circumstances and excuses that help them fulfill that destiny like, “Your book won’t teach me anything new. I don’t have the money. This is just another scam. I’ll give it a try…”

In summary, there are people who are not wealthy because they want to be comfortable. There are people who are not healthy because they want to be comfortable. There are people who are stuck in the same job without a promotion for 10 years because they want to be liked. There are people who are addicted to struggle because they win by losing.

And most likely, you see a little of yourself in each of these categories. I know I do, but what’s important to remember, is that winning is a continuous process that is brought to an end once you’ve won, which is an event.
As soon as you’ve “won”, the process starts all over again.

I don’t know where you are at this moment in your life, but I hope this message has shown a little more insight on making a decision about looking at starting a small home business...and where you might need a little adjustment as a potential entrepreneur.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How Not to Let my Home Business Beat Me Up

Blog: How Not to Let my Home Business Beat Me Up?

Yesterday I spent two hours on two different calls listening to expert marketing advice from top marketers.
There is always hope that something might rub off…better sales copy, better target marketing…join a program.
So what did I learn? No business can survive without an active marketing plan to draw in customers. But marketing is a multi-layered, complex business that even the gurus have spent years in mastering.

I have a network marketing home business with the advantage of having an inbuilt marketing plan and team support. But am I able to execute the recommended plan at the same level as these experts?
I listened to this one Lead System marketing company for networkers explain its enrollment process…TEN steps with attending videos to explain each step to open up and track multiple streams of income. So let’s say you manage to struggle through this one-time process, get your domain name and set up your marketing site(s). That’s actually the easy part…Now comes the real marketing efforts which are to advertise your advertising website! How long would it take you to learn how to do these tasks: Set up a MySpace account with categories (plus other social sites web 2 marketing), build a list, create ezine solo-ads, learn Forum Marketing, write content for article and blog marketing, and learn pay per click plus several more. Each one is an extensive learning curve to do properly and requires perpetual updates to keep relevant. This is the basic principle of attraction marketing where people will find you impressive enough to want an affiliation with.
Give me a break! This system will work for a small handful of entrepreneurs. I wonder how many of those ladies with beginning questions will actually succeed in meeting these professional standards.
I’m a networker and my marketing plan must duplicate through multiple levels of average home business entrepreneurs. You can’t all be expected to be “attractively magnetizing experts.” But you can be expected to handle 3 main components time-effectively: First, pass on an educational ABC primer to explain the business model, generic, hype free, with professional slides to explain the basic concepts. Those who raise their hand for more information will receive the second step …a phone number and a simple Getting Start Right Action Plan with necessary links. Third, everyone can read-and-share a marketing overview with steps to action.

The next time I think about taking 2 hours listening to marketing gurus, I’d rather share a simple marketing plan with people looking for a real non-magnetic home business.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Many Hats of a Small Home Business Owner

Note: this is another refocused "insight" from the book E-Myths..

Every small home business owner wears several hats: you wear the hats of Entrepreneur, Manager and Technician.

At the beginning, the need to wear at least 3 hats becomes very apparent. Of course, I wanted to be the Entrepreneur, the visionary, working with a strong team to bring health and prosperity to the average family. I needed to be the Technician, the technical expert, who organized the correct emails, mailings, webinars, conference calls, company updates, training sessions, and so on. Then, of course, I was also the Manager who wore the pragmatic hat in terms of talking with people, prospects, new customers, sales and marketing questions, goal setting, solving problems and so forth. In order for any company to be successful, you’ll need to develop these 3 skills or hire somebody to play each of these roles.

However, as time and experience evolved, and the Information Economy and technology continued to expand, then more questions had to be addressed in long term management systems. I’m happy to note these questions have now been answered with the help of information tools and a simple 1- 2 - 3 step marketing system.

• How can I get my business to work, but without me?
• What’s the best way to delegate my responsibilities?
• What procedures should I implement to make the business run and grow itself?
• How can I spend my time doing the work I love to do rather than the work I have to do?

My advice for any person looking for a home business is to start with the basics: Become a student first. Learn the basic facts about the industry you’re interested in. Now you can set some entrepreneurial goals and long term vision. Plug into Information Technology to help with the technical details. For management goals, let information tools by top experts tell the story for you.
So what else is there for you to do?
How about answering the last question; mainly, spend more time doing the work you love.

Of course, we also wear a multitude of other "hats" as mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, relatives, neighbours, co-workers,employees, sports fans, hobbyists and so many more...all the more reason to use professional information tools.

Standing by to help with questions or comments,


PS. Share some stories about the "hats" you wear.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

refocus insight on small home business

I thought I’d share some information from a top business expert Michael Gerber and his famous book: E-Myth Revisited, Why Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. I remember reading it a few years ago with some uncertainty. But I must say my current home business has helped to refocus my time and energy. Now I have different insights and thought they might help anyone contemplating a small home business.

First, the premise of the book is the belief that many businesses fail because the founders are technicians that were inspired to start a business without knowledge of how to run a successful business. A key component in that equation is how to market successfully...and that in itself, could involve years of training and practice.

The assumption that many people make is that because they are experts regarding technical details of a product or service, they will also be an expert at running that sort of business. If you are a great cook with special ethnic dishes, you should be great at opening up a restaurant. If you are a excellent computer technician, you should be able to operate a computer service business. But as it turns out for many, this can be part mythology and a bad assumption.

Here are some of the lessons that I learned to apply to my profitable home business:

1) Don’t only work in your business; make sure you also work on your business.

How many small business or home owners do you know who work 24/7 trying to handle every single technical detail day to day? At one time, I also worked hard “in my business”, often consumed by details.

Now I invest some time developing a long term plan and vision; in other words, I work “on my business.” You need to develop systems and business procedures to ensure the success of your company over a long term range. It's best to work with conscientious, like-minded people who engage in similar goals and support.

In the earlier years of my business, I kept everything in my head. Later on, I learned that I would need to create formal systems and write out formal procedures. A critical component was a simple, formalized marketing plan. This one strategy is essential to a growing, thriving business that people want to talk about.

Next time, more about refocusing on some home business "myths."


ps..drop me a note if you'd like to share some of your business "stories".