Current economic times are turbulent, home businesses are booming, information is overwhelming..where do you begin to make an intelligent, comprehensive search?
In all sincerity, let's say you decide to look at one of the fastest growing trends; namely, a network marketing home business. You’re bright eyed and freshfaced and have a strong desire to do well. You want catch this train to a five or six digit income and not be left standing on the sidelines.
But how many times have I seen this happen with new people?
All of a sudden you are flooded with information overload…company, product, sales training, marketing strategies, motivation, self-development!
Plus…as a newbie you need to share this full load with others and get them motivated and excited! Yikes…stop the train! I’m just at the primary level at this time and how can I be expected to perform like a networking graduate? In time, with practice, I will master the important fundamentals. But don’t swamp me with high expectations when I’m just learning my first steps.
Don't expect me to win the marathon without practice. Just give me the basic 1- 2- 3 steps that I can do and others can do as well.
Here’s an example. Every business needs a KEY MARKETING PLAN. Don’t even contemplate starting any home business until you have examined closely the features of how you will market the product(s)
Here's your choice. What kind of marketing plan would you like to plug into?
ONE...a 10 page outline with steps to follow for the next ten days. As a follow-up, your new customer will also have to follow this plan…I've been there…done that..and it doesn't work for many reasons…No wonder this industry based on duplication has so much attrition and low rates of success…
TWO...OR would you like to get a 1- 2- 3 steps 30- minute plan to read and share…
Everybody can read and share the critical points of information: the need to changes, smart choices and steps to action.
Learn the basics…3 steps...30 minutes.
Pass it on to others.
Continue to repeat 3 steps... 30 minutes
Simple to do... simple to duplicate.
The KEY that opens up network marketing fortunes is in the duplication of simple basic business (marketing) systems
Your choice: a 10 day business follow up or a 1-2-3 step 30-minute plan
What duplicates: a 10 day business plan or a 1-2-3 step 30- minute read and share
More marketing tips next.
Your comments and questions are always appreciated.